Simple online project management application that bundles task management, time tracking and invoicing

Project Management Paymo
Simple online project management application that bundles task management, time tracking and invoicing
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Sometimes one project demands all your attention. There's other things going on, but you need to forget them for now and focus on this project's tasks and milestones.Other times, you need to quickly jump between projects while you're figuring out due dates, copying similar tasks, and making sure nothing's been forgotten across your entire workflow. That's when you want to see everything at once.Read MoreMost project management tools give you one or the other—either an immersive, one-project focus, or an all-in-one view that shows everything across every project at once. Paymo strikes a balance between the two, with its familiar, email-inbox-style 3 column view that shows all of your projects at once.By default, Paymo shows a menu on the left side with links to jump between projects, time sheets, invoices, and other Paymo features. There's a timer on the bottom, where you can track the time you spend on tasks and projects even while you're using other parts of Paymo. The dashboard shows a quick overview of the time you've spent on projects, which project is taking most of your time, and other quick info about your work.Then, it's time to dive into your projects. You'll see the same left-hand menu, with a center column that lists all of your projects and a right column that takes up 2/3rds of the screen with info about your project. Select another project, and it opens instantly for an easy way to plan tasks across projects. Each project is divided into tasks, milestones, timesheets, files, and discussions—select one, perhaps tasks, then switch projects, and you'll see the tasks for that other project. Need to focus? Just tap the List icon in the top of the projects list, then select the project you're working on, and click the arrow on the top menu to collapse it and leave you with a focused, one-project view.Working on similar projects? Just create a project or task list template, then you can pre-fill a new project or task lists with your default tasks. There's also discussions, file sharing, and an optional Notes add-on to share ideas with your team and clients if you want.As you're working on tasks, Paymo can keep track of the time you spend either with its built in timer, or the Paymo Plus app which automatically logs how long you spend on everything on your computer. That's a great way to track, say, the time you spend in Photoshop, Sublime Text, and other native apps doing client work, without having to remember to open Paymo's web app and start the timer. You can also track expenses, then turn them all into invoices that clients can pay via PayPal, Stripe, or if you've added the Invoicing add-on to your Paymo account. Invoices are organized in the same 3 column view as you'd expect from Then, Paymo can help you learn from your projects, with customizable reports that show how much time you spend on each client's work. You can tweak the dashboard to show exactly the reports and graphs you want, for a quick overview of your work every time you login to Paymo.Paymo gives you everything you need to manage client projects and juggle them all easily in one app. No matter how many things you have going on at once, you can quickly jump into another project—or zoom in and focus on just one thing at a time.Learn how to manage your projects better with Zapier's Project Management 101 guide.


Client List
Used for client list polling.
Invoice Templates List
Used for invoice templates list polling.
This trigger is for testing auth.
New Client
Triggers when a new client is created in Paymo.
New Invoice
Triggers when a new invoice is created in Paymo.
New Project
Triggers when a new project is created.
New Task
Triggers when a new task is created.
New Task List
Triggers when a new task list is created.
New Time Entry
Triggers when a new time entry is created.
Project List
Used for project list polling.
Task List List
Used for tasklist polling.
Task List
Used for task list polling.
Create Client
Creates a new client.
Create Invoice
Creates a new invoice.
Create Project
Creates a new project.
Create Task
Creates a new task.
Create Task List
Creates a new task list.
Create Time Entry
Creates a new time entry.

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